Leaning into Documentation without Fear: Tettra’s Revision View
October 9th, 2018 at 4:50 PM
On any given team, everyone is the expert in something. Everyone has something to contribute to documentation. Which is why everyone should feel empowered to get involved in Tettra. The whole team benefits when each person adds their knowledge.
But this can be scary at times: what if someone deletes something important? What if someone adds something inaccurate? What if a team member overwrites important info?
With Tettra’s revision history view, you need fear no longer! You can now see what changes were made, when, and by whom. And, if need be, you can always revert to a previous version of the page. It’s now easier than ever to let the whole team contribute to great documentation in your Tettra account.
What You’ll See in the Revision View
Everyone on your team can see when info was added, deleted or changed. This includes some of our newest integrations and references like the Google Docs integration, inline GitHub references, and mentions.
You’ll also see when images and tables changed. We’ll highlight all revised items on the page. This means that you can see, at a glance, how a page has changed since you last viewed it.
How You Can Stay on Top of Changes with Slack
It’s no secret that we’re big fans of Slack around here. So, naturally, we want to make it as easy as possible to stay on top of revisions while in Slack.
You’ll continue getting notified in the relevant Slack channel when a page has changed. Now, when you click through to Tettra, you’ll be taken to the revision view of that page, so it’s crystal clear what’s changed since you last accessed that content.
We hope this makes it easier than ever to create a culture of documentation on your team. Since nothing is set in stone, your whole team can get involved. This means your whole team can get smarter, together.