New in Tettra: Search, Import, and Templates BETA
November 17th, 2017 at 3:12 PM
We work every day to make Tettra the simplest and most delightful way to share knowledge with your team to keep everyone “swimming” in the same direction. Here’s what we’ve been working on lately.
🕵🏼♀️ New search
Hopefully you’ve noticed that Searching in Tettra is now much faster and more accurate. The search functionality has be completely rewritten from the ground up.
When you search, you’ll be able to see why we’re showing you that result in the search results page as well as in Slack. You can also filter your search to specific categories on the search results page.
💼 Importing
You can now create new pages by importing content from Google Docs, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Github. This should save you time adding content that you already have stored somewhere else.
⚙️ Code block improvements
We were getting a lot of feedback from product and engineering folks that some of the features they were interested in were lacking. We spent time improving code block styling, formatting and syntax highlighting. You can import markdown files from a Github wiki as well.
🤫 Read-only Users
You’ve told us how important user roles and permissions are, so you now have the ability to set user accounts to “read-only”. These users will be able to read content but not add or edit anything.
💌 Email accounts
Do have people you want to have access to Tettra, but aren’t in your Slack account? You can now invite any user via email. This is useful if you’d like to give Tettra access to folks outside your organization, like contractors or service providers.
💔 Signup without connecting Slack
Since you can now add users with an email, we thought it made sense to let anyone with an email create a new Tettra team as well. So another big change is that you now have the ability to create a new account without using a Slack account.
If you’ve been unable to try Tettra because you weren’t able to grant Slack permissions or just didn’t have a Slack account, you can now create an account with just an email.
This will also allow us to connect to other chat tools in the future!
✨ Templates BETA
Templates is an exciting new beta feature that we’re testing. To start, we’ve added a small set of template examples. Our vision for templates is to allow you to create your own set of templates to help standardize and streamline your repetitive documentation.
We’ve been using it for weekly kickoff and recap meetings, monthly and quarterly goal setting, and sales call notes.
We’d love to hear from you about what template ideas you have while we continue to improve it.
That’s it for this update, let us know if you have any feedback in the comments.
Thanks for using Tettra!