Tettra Updates

Unlock frictionless knowledge sharing with Questions & Answers

by Nelson Joyce, Cofounder of Tettra
You now have the ability to directly ask and answer questions in Tettra. You can answer teammates’ questions with existing pages, external documents, or by creating new answers on the fly. Many teams were using the suggestions feature to

Define your "topic experts" with category ownership

by Nelson Joyce
You can now set multiple category owners for each category in Tettra. Part of our evolving vision for Tettra is that you can define experts on certain topics. That way questions are routed to the right person so they’re answered quickly and

Clean up sensitive information with public content moderation

by Nelson Joyce
Admins and Editors on Scaling accounts can now view a list of all the publicly viewable content in their accounts. This can help you spot content that you don’t want to be publicly accessible, and quickly clean them up. Head over to your

Verify Tettra Content on a Set Schedule

by Nelson Joyce, Product Person at Tettra
A knowledge base is only useful if it's up to date. That's why we're excited to show you the newest addition to Tettra, Content Verification. Current Scaling plan customers now have the option to set up a recurring verification for...

Microsoft Teams App

by Nelson Joyce, Product Person at Tettra
We're happy to announce that we've just released a chat integration for Microsoft Teams! When you install the MS Teams app, you'll be able to: Quickly search and share your Tettra pages from the message extension Easily share Tettra...

Set default ordering for categories and subcategories

by Nelson Joyce, Product Person at Tettra
You can now set the default order for your categories or subcategories. Ordering can be manual, by last updated date, or alphabetical. You can switch the default order in the category settings. Pinning still works when the category is...

Infinitely Nestable Subcategories

by Nelson Joyce, Product Person at Tettra
Today we've launched your #1 most requested feature, infinitely nestable subcategories. Here's what's changed: "Folders" have been renamed to "subcategories" We removed the single level subcategory restriction, allowing you to...

Users list now includes "last active" date and is sortable

by Nelson Joyce, Product Person at Tettra
You can now see when your teammates were last active in Tettra. This can help you monitor usage or clean up inactive users. You can also now sort the columns in the user list. Hopefully this makes it easier to find and manage the users...

Bookmarks are now accessible and removable from the sidebar

by Nelson Joyce, Product Person at Tettra
You've been able to bookmark pages and folders for a while now, but since they were only shown on the dashboard, it felt like they weren't as useful as they could be. With that in mind, we've moved your personal bookmarks to the...