Tettra Updates

Numbered list fix: insert images and other content in a numbered list without breaking the list order

by Nelson Joyce
We’ve just rolled out a much requested fix to numbered (aka ordered) lists. Now, when you add content like an image or a code block in the middle of an ordered list (without a line break), the numbering will be retained. In the past this

Undo/redo in tables

by Nelson Joyce,
Undo/redo now works properly in tables!

Previous Product Updates

by Nelson Joyce, Cofounder & Product at Tettra
To read our previous product updates, go here.

Why We’re Hitting Pause on Importing

by Nelson Joyce, Product Person at Tettra
For many teams, Tettra acts not just as a knowledge base, but also as a hub for information that’s written down elsewhere. We want to make it easy to share, reference, and leverage knowledge that you’ve already documented. It’s why we

Reintroducing Tettra: A Better Way to Share Scattered Knowledge

by Nelson Joyce, Product Person at Tettra
Align your team by giving everyone access to the information they need to do high impact work The way we work has changed. For decades, office work happened mostly on paper. Then PCs came along and everything moved to digital files.

How We’re Preparing for GDPR

by Nelson Joyce, Product Person at Tettra
Learn about Tettra’s ongoing work to improve data security and privacy for all our customers. Like many of our customers and partners, we have been spending time over the last few months reviewing our systems and policies for the EU